Convert PSD, XD Figma to Oxygen Builder

We assist you in transforming your Figma or XD , PSD designs into a dynamic website using Oxygen Builder?

Key Features of Oxygen page builder:

  • Speed: Oxygen operates on the principle of loading only necessary elements precisely when they are needed. In contrast, many other page builders load hundreds or even thousands of kilobytes on blank pages. In the case of Oxygen, it utilizes only around 90 kilobytes on a blank page.The builder produces clean and lightweight code, contributing to faster page load times.
  • Visual Editing: Oxygen offers a visual, drag-and-drop interface, enabling users to design their websites in real-time without needing to code.
  • Flexibility and Customization: Users have extensive control over the design and layout of their websites, allowing for highly customized and unique designs.
  • No Theme Dependency: Unlike traditional WordPress themes, Oxygen doesn’t rely on a theme for styling. Users can build their designs from scratch or customize existing ones without being limited by theme constraints.
  • Dynamic Content: Oxygen supports dynamic content, making it possible to create templates and designs for different post types and archives.
  • Responsive Design: Websites built with Oxygen are responsive, ensuring a consistent and optimal user experience across various devices and screen sizes.
  • Code Editing: For users comfortable with coding, Oxygen provides the option to view and edit the underlying code, providing a balance between visual design and manual coding.
  • WooCommerce Integration: Oxygen seamlessly integrates with WooCommerce, making it suitable for creating custom eCommerce websites.

Is Oxygen Builder Worth a Try?

Oxygen is a sensible choice for creative individuals, emerging brands, and established enterprises. Who are seeking to develop their presence online. This program is a great solution. Because it frees you from having to deal with the complexities of coding. Thanks to its simple customization options,  user-friendly design components, and smart visual editor.

People who don’t like making payments every month or year can use Oxygen. Which only requires a one-time payment and provides services for life. It lets people who don’t know how to code put their ideas into action without having to deal with coding.

Overall, Oxygen is a strong contender on the list of the top WordPress page builders. And it is getting more popular over time.